Most Widely Used AI Solutions

Most Widely Used AI Solutions

Proof Point

Predictive analytics and machine learning most widely used artificial intelligence applications by executives in Narrative Science survey

Most Widely Used AI Solutions

2017 (percentage of respondents)

Note: Data based on Narrative Science's survey of 196 executives from industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and financial services, with 5% sampling error

Proof Point Findings

  • Artificial Intelligence – Software technologies autonomously performing tasks equal to, or better than, humans
  • Data Analytics – Predictive analytics (i.e. using AI to analyze current data to predict future) emerged as top AI solution used by 24.5% of executives in Narrative Science survey, followed by machine learning (i.e. AI enabling computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed)
  • Other AI Uses – Natural language processing (14.4%), voice recognition (14.4%), virtual assistants or chatbots (11.4%) and recommendation engines (11.1%) other AI solutions used by respondents
  • Key Drivers - Include exponentially advancing computing power, proliferation of new learning algorithms, and increasing availability of large volumes of company, customer, and industry data


Business Model and Practices

Business Model
and Practices


Financial Services, Healthcare/Health Sciences, Industrial Manufacturing


Date Last Updated

March 6, 2018

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