Main Proponents of Machine Learning Initiatives within Organizations

Main Proponents of Machine Learning Initiatives within Organizations

Proof Point

Data scientists and C-level executives seen as main proponents of machine learning initiatives, with organizations reporting less likelihood of forming dedicated teams

Main Proponents of Machine Learning Initiatives within Organizations

2016 (percentage of respondents)

Note: Data based on MIT Technology Review Custom and Google Cloud’s survey of 375 respondents in charge of machine learning initiatives in their organizations and those not planning on implementing machine learning in future

Proof Point Findings

  • Machine Learning – Artificial intelligence application that gives computers ability to learn and make predictions on data without being explicitly programmed
  • Data Scientists and C-Suite Driven – Data scientists (25%) and C-suite executives (21%) have biggest role of initiating machine learning initiatives within organization among current technology adopters
  • Machine Learning Team Less Important – Fewer companies (6%) have reported establishing dedicated teams to take responsibility for starting machine learning initiatives
  • Key Adoption Drivers – Include exponentially advancing computing power, proliferation of new learning algorithms, and increasing availability of large volumes of company, customer, and industry data


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Date Last Updated

May 25, 2017

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