Proof Point
Overall adblock penetration worldwide reached 11% by December 2016, with West Europe leading across all regions
Adblock Penetration by Region
2016 (percentage of online population)

Note: | Mobile adblocking used in chart refers to web / browser-based adblocking, and not in-app blocking |
Proof Point Findings
- Adblock Penetration – Percentage of online population using adblock software to remove or alter ads from website or mobile app
- Global Adblock Penetration – Reached 11% in 2016, with West Europe leading across all regions with 20% penetration, followed by North America (18%) and Asia Pacific (16%)
- Adblocking Devices – Desktop version of software used predominantly in West Europe and North America, with mobile version most used in Asia Pacific
- Key Growth Drivers – Includes proliferation of desktop and mobile adblock software, growing demand for adblock-enabled devices, emergence of increasingly intrusive online advertising formats (e.g. pre-loaded videos and pop-up ads), shorter consumer attention span, growing preference for digital devices to consume content
Accelerator |
Sector |
Information Technology, Telecommunications
Source |
Date Last Updated |
June 16, 2017