Proof Point
U.S. e-commerce retail sales grew to $131 billion in 2018 Q3, with share of total retail sales reaching 10%
U.S. E-Commerce Retail Sales
2014 Q4 – 2018 Q3 (US$ billions and percentage)

Note: | Sales value is adjusted for seasonal variation, as well as holiday and trading differences, but not for price changes |
Proof Point Findings
- E-Commerce – Sales of goods and services, including order placement, as well as price and terms negotiation, over the Internet, mobile device, extranet, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) network, electronic mail or other cloud-based platforms
- U.S. Quarterly E-Commerce Retail Growth – Scaled to $131 billion in 2018 Q3 from $115 billion in 2017 Q3, representing 14% year-over-year growth
- Increased Market Share – Continued to outpace total U.S. retail sales growth, with share of total increasing to 9.8% in 2018 Q3, from 8.2% in 2016 Q3 and 9.1% in 2017 Q3
- Key Growth Drivers – Include increasing consumer preference to shop online, growing merchant online platform presence, faster and more efficient shipping processes, and frictionless checkout systems enabled by new payment technologies
Accelerator |
Sector |
Wholesale and Retail Trade
Source |
Date Last Updated |
January 16, 2019