Potential AI Impact to Annual Economic Growth Rates in Selected Developed Countries by 2035

Potential AI Impact to Annual Economic Growth Rates in Selected Developed Countries by 2035

Proof Point

Accenture predicts AI to double annual economic growth rates of most developed countries by 2035

Potential AI Impact to Annual Economic Growth Rates in Selected Developed Countries by 2035


Note: To estimate economic potential of AI, Accenture compared two scenarios for each country – base and with AI scenario. Year 2035 was used for comparison as it takes time for impact of new technology to take full effect.

Proof Point Findings

  • AI-Driven Economic Growth – Accenture forecasts AI to boost economic growth of most developed countries, with U.S. and Finland estimated to have highest growth at 4.6% and 4.1%, respectively
  • Revitalizing Japan – Japan can triple economic growth rate due to AI deployment, reaching 2.7% in 2035 from 0.8%, potentially addressing critical economic barriers, such as aging population and workforce shortage
  • Key Growth Drivers – Include exponentially advancing processing power, increasing industry demand for automation, intensifying competition in AI market, strengthening support for research and development of AI technologies, and expanding use of AI technology


Market Disruption


Date Last Updated

June 4, 2017

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