Proof Point
Amazon offers same-day delivery for selected products to 27 areas in the U.S., with delivery rates dependent on Amazon Prime membership, order value, and number of items in cart
Amazon Same-Day Delivery Coverage Areas and Fees

Proof Point Findings
- Amazon Same-Day Delivery – Applicable to orders placed before cut-off time (typically before noon), to be delivered by 9 pm local time
- Expanding U.S. Coverage – Launched initially to seven markets across the U.S. in 2009, expanding service to 27 metro areas as of March 2017
- Adjusted Same-Day Delivery Fee for Prime – Made service free to Amazon Prime members for orders of at least $35 in value beginning in 2015, from introductory cost of $5.99/transaction regardless of order value
- Heightening Competition – Continues to reinvent delivery program as competition among big retailers intensifies in delivery turnaround times, aiming to address increasing customer preference for near on-demand services
Market Disruption |
Business Model and Practices Business Model |
Sector |
Wholesale and Retail Trade
Source |
Date Last Updated |
March 20, 2017