AI Deployment Impact on Labor Productivity in 2035 in Selected Developed Countries

AI Deployment Impact on Labor Productivity in 2035 in Selected Developed Countries

Proof Point

Accenture estimates up to 37% increase in labor productivity among developed countries due to AI deployment in 2035, with Sweden and Finland leading growth

AI Deployment Impact on Labor Productivity in 2035 in Selected Developed Countries

2035F (percentage increase over 2035 base assumptions)

Note: Labor is defined as tasks that can either be performed by a human or artificial intelligence. Intelligent systems considered as additional workforce capable of handling activities that require advanced level of cognitive agility. Year 2035 was used for comparison as it takes time for impact of new technology to take full effect.

Proof Point Findings

  • Labor Productivity – Measure of economic growth through goods and services produced by one hour of labor
  • Base vs. AI-Influenced Estimates – Base estimation are forecasts based on traditional model, while AI scenario takes into consideration AI impact on growth once absorbed into economy
  • AI Boosting Labor Productivity – According to Accenture, AI technology will significantly boost labor productivity in developed economies in 2035, allowing workforce to focus on more critical tasks
  • Country Benefits – Largest increase expected in Sweden (37%), Finland (36%), United States (35%) and Japan (34%)
  • Key Growth Drivers – Include exponentially advancing processing power, increasing industry demand for automation, intensifying competition in AI market and strengthening support for research and development of AI technologies


Market Disruption


Date Last Updated

June 4, 2017

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