U.S. On-Demand Services App Usage

U.S. On-Demand Services App Usage 2016

Proof Point

71% of U.S. smartphone and tablet users leveraged on-demand services apps in 2016, with bank transfer, content streaming and food order as top used services

U.S. On-Demand Services App Usage


Note: Data based on research conducted by U.K. Office of Communications (Ofcom) of 1,016 U.S. random adults over age 18 from online consumer panel, with 95% confidence level and 3% margin of error.

Proof Point Findings

  • On-Demand Services – Offered by companies and marketplaces to fulfill consumer demand through real-time or near real-time provisioning of goods, content and services
  • U.S. On-Demand Services Utility Rate – 71% of U.S. smartphone and tablet users claimed to have used on-demand service through apps at least once in 2016
  • Top Services Used – Include making bank transfer (40%), streaming or downloading audio (39%), streaming or downloading video (36%), and ordering food (29%)
  • Top Perceived Benefits – Highlighted convenience, faster transactions, less stress, easier order and re-order process, wider range of choices, and increasing preference for technology-based services as top reasons for app-based, on-demand service use
  • Key Drivers – Include proliferation of mobile apps, increasing utility of smartphone and tablets to complete transactions, expanding connectivity, and growing demand for immediate product and service delivery


Market Disruption


Date Last Updated

April 27, 2017

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