Proof Point
Average salary for jobs in developing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in U.S. reached $73,933 in 2018, with bottom and top 10% averaging at $36,714 and $148,882, as published by SimplyHired
Average Salary For Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Jobs In United States
2018 (US$)

Proof Point Findings
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – Software bots taking control of repetitive process-driven tasks, such as automating transaction activities and supporting period-end closing process in finance functions
- Average RPA salary – Average salary for all RPA jobs (i.e. jobs in charge of RPA implementations from process selection, design, build, harden, deploy, scale, to support) in United States reached $73,933 in 2018, according to SimplyHired
- 2018 Highs and Lows – Average salary of bottom 10% of U.S. RPA workers reported at $36,714, while top 10% reached average wage of $148,882, in 2018
- Key Growth Drivers – Include rapidly accelerating robotic automation, growing demand for business process automation to increase productivity and efficiency, increasing demand for tech-savvy employees skilled in rpa and intensifying competitive environment
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Date Last Updated |
March 14, 2019