Jobs at Risk from Automation by Robots and Computers

Jobs at Risk from Automation by Robots and Computers

Proof Point

Food service, insurance claims, and software engineering jobs at high risk of automation, according to Pew Research survey

Jobs at Risk from Automation by Robots and Computers

2017 (percentage of respondents)

Note: Data based on Pew Research Center’s survey of 4,135 U.S. adults conducted May 1-15, 2017. Respondents who did not give answer not shown.

Proof Point Findings

  • Jobs at High Risk of Automation – Fast food workers, insurance claims processors, and software engineering jobs most likely to be replaced by automation, according to American adults surveyed by Pew Research Center
  • Jobs at Less Risk of Automation – Teaching and nursing jobs less likely to be automated by robots and computers
  • Own Profession Not at Risk – 70% of American respondents view their current job or profession as not at risk of being automated, with just 30% saying their jobs will be done by robots and computers in their lifetime
  • Key Drivers – Include exponentially advancing computing power, growing industry adoption of robotic, cognitive computing and AI applications, increasing industry demand for automation, expanding use of technology in business activities, and accelerating returns on augmented workforce


Market Disruption




Date Last Updated

February 21, 2018

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