Proof Point
AI expected to have significant market and societal impact in future, such as in social services delivery, global economic growth, workplace evolution, and industrial innovation
Artificial Intelligence Market and Societal Impact Expectations

Proof Point Findings
- Healthcare – Discover treatments to incurable diseases, detect early signs of illnesses, stop global epidemics spread, and create personalized health and wellness services by digesting and correlating increasingly expanding volume of medical research and patient records
- IBM Watson identifying genes linked to Lou Gehrig’s disease
- enabling early identification in over 30 disease areas
-’s search and analysis engine for scientific discoveries
- Education – Enable educational systems to become more accessible, create customized programs, and ensure lifelong learning and skills development
- Intelligent tutor systems, or AI-enabled providing personalized guidance to students on specific topics based on their responses to evaluation questions (e.g. Carnegie Learning, Thinkster Math)
- Intelligent quality control moderating content submitted in education networks to maintain quality and eliminate spam (e.g. Brainly)
- Custom content providing ability to create customized textbooks containing core topics using teacher-submitted syllabus (Content Technologies, Inc.)
- Employment – Displace employees performing repetitive functions, as well as create new and higher-value work opportunities focused on management of AI systems, creative tasks, and interpersonal engagements
- Eliminate up to 47% of total U.S. jobs over next 20 years
- Affect 1.2 billion employees globally with automatable activities
- Environment – Uncover new insights on environmental problems, predict natural catastrophes, optimize use of energy and other natural resources, and address biodiversity loss
- EarthCube, NASA’s 3D living model of planet designed to predict natural catastrophes and suggest ways to avoid them
- eBird, Cornell University’s machine-learning enabled app developed to give insights on how to protect bird habitat
- Google using Deepmind to optimize data centers, achieving 40% energy saving in one of its data center’s cooling system
- Economic Growth – Could boost economic growth, increase labor productivity, and create new market opportunities globally
- Double annual U.S. economic growth, reaching 4.6% by 2035
- Increase labor productivity by as much 35% by 2035
- Open up AI market with expected value of $70 billion by 2020