Proof Point
2017 saw slow start for life science IPOs in U.S., continuing decline trend seen in 2015, with only 10 IPOs made
Annual U.S. Life Sciences IPO
2012 – 2017 H1 (number)

Proof Point Findings
- U.S. Life Sciences IPO – Number of life sciences startups dealing with studies of living organisms that filed for initial public offering intending to sell shares of stock to public in exchange for capital or ownership
- Decline in Life Sciences IPOs – Total life sciences IPOs in U.S. declining since 2015, after reaching 68 in 2014
- Slow 2017 H1 – 2017 saw slow start as only 10 life sciences IPOs were made during H1
- Key Growth Drivers – Include proliferation of disruptive startups, growing number of spinoffs from academic institutions, shorter SEC review time, recovering U.S. economy, improving investment climate, and increasing startup preference to remain private for longer period of time
Accelerator |
Market Disruption |
Sector |
Healthcare/Health Sciences
Source |
Date Last Updated |
September 2, 2017