Non-profit research firm OpenAI developed new text generator AI, called GPT2, which is being kept private as it could be used to generate fake news


Non-profit research firm OpenAI developed new text generator AI, called GPT2, which is being kept private as it could be used to generate fake news

March 6, 2019


  • Text Generator AI – Non-profit research company OpenAI developed text generator AI, called GPT2, that adds or predicts next sentences in passage after being fed with few words or whole page of text
  • Training and Development – AI trained with dataset of 10 million articles selected from Reddit links that have more than three votes, 15 times bigger and broader than dataset given to previous state-of-the-art AI model
  • Testing – When fed with passages, AI’s next new sentences matched tone, style, and subject of original text
  • Ethical Considerations – Can be used to develop fake news, fake product reviews, bigoted commentaries, and other malicious uses
  • Private Research – Research kept private as OpenAI weighs on ramifications of AI’s use and studies further what it can and cannot do



Information Technology, Media and Entertainment




Original Publication Date

February 14, 2019

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