Google spins off self-driving car effort into separate company as it moves closer to commercialization


Google spins off self-driving car effort into separate company as it moves closer to commercialization

February 7, 2017


  • Spinoff Company – Spins off self-driving car project into new company called Waymo, which stands for “way forward in mobility”
  • Steering Wheel Stays – First version will have steering wheels and pedals as regulation requires and as company faces setbacks on steering wheel-free model
  • Provider of Technology – Will not build cars, but plans to license technology to automakers and be used in ride sharing, trucking, logistics, and personal vehicles
  • First Full Self-Driving Car Ride – Accomplished first fully-autonomous drive on public roads in 2015 in Austin with blind passenger riding on steering wheel-less car
  • Waymo’s Goal – Reach Level 4 autonomy where passengers can give full control to car in most conditions except bad weather, or Level 5 where no input required from driver except for setting destination and starting system
  • Next Steps – Include making driving system more comfortable and smoother and improving mapping and driving in tough weather conditions like heavy rain



Information Technology, Transportation and Logistics


Google Inc., Waymo


Original Publication Date

December 13, 2016

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