Proof Point
Medical and surgical devices make up almost half (47%) of bioscience-related patents granted between 2012 and 2015
U.S. Bioscience-Related Patents Granted by Category
2012 – 2015 (number and percentage of total)

Proof Point Findings
- Bioscience – Studies and technologies related to living things, including personalized and regenerative medicine
- Medical and Surgical Devices – Represent largest share (47%) of bioscience-related patents granted in U.S. between 2012 and 2015, reaching 47,852 patents
- Drugs and Pharmaceutical – Drugs and pharmaceutical second largest (15%) category with 14,651 patents approved
- Digital Health – Bioinformatics and health IT comprise only 2% of patents with 2,480
- Key Growth Drivers – Include increasing venture capital firm investments, proliferation of biotech and health startups, stricter regulatory environment, continuous patent renewal for drugs, and intensifying research and development in different bioscience segments, including bioinformatics, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices
Accelerator |
Market Disruption |
Sector |
Healthcare/Health Sciences
Source |
Date Last Updated |
September 6, 2017