Proof Point
Amazon most racially diverse workplace among selected big tech companies, with most having white or Asian-dominated workforces
Selected Companies Racial Workforce Diversity
2016 (percentage)

Proof Point Findings
- Most Racially Diverse – Amazon most racially diverse workforce, with 52% coming from non-white racial backgrounds, while Microsoft least diverse with only 42%
- Highest Asian Shares – Facebook (38%), Uber (34%), and Google (33%) have most percentage of Asian employees
- Most Hispanic and Black Representation – Amazon and Apple hold most percentage of Hispanic employees with 13% and 12% shares respectively, as well as black employees with 21% and 9% share
- Key Drivers – Include public pressure to diversify workplace, increasing competencies of women and minorities, potential implementation of diversity policies, and hiring of diversity and inclusion experts in company leadership
Market Disruption |
Sector |
Information Technology
Source |
Date Last Updated |
August 25, 2017