Proof Point
Minorities on Fortune 500 boards grew slightly from 13% in 2010 to 15% in 2016, increasing by 95 seats
Fortune 500 Boards Racial Diversity
2010 – 2016

Proof Point Findings
- Minority Fortune 500 Board Members – Rose slightly from 13% in 2010 to 15% in 2016, increasing total seats to 789
- Asians/Pacific Islanders Board Membership – Gained most number of seats between 2010 and 2016, increasing by 54 seats or 47% of total held in 2010, though continues to be least represented among races at 3.1%
- African Americans/Blacks Representation – Increased board membership share from 7.6% in 2010 to 7.9% in 2016, or net addition of 15 board seats, after slight decline in 2012
- Key Drivers – Include increasing recognition that differences in perspective, experience and culture promote innovation and better decision-making, heightening industry expertise of women and racial minorities as workplaces and educational institutions become more accessible to them, as well as growing need for companies to improve image among stakeholders and customers by becoming more inclusive
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Date Last Updated |
March 20, 2017