Proof Point
Good work-life balance most important factor developers look for when searching for job, according to HackerRank survey, slightly ahead of professional growth and learning
Factors Developers Look for in Job Search
2018 (percentage of respondents)

Note: | Data based on survey of 39,441 developers from HackerRank community. HackerRank is a job matching platform connecting 3.2 million developers to potential jobs. |
Proof Point Findings
- Work-Life Balance – Strong work-life balance identified by 57% of developers as most important factor in selecting job, according to HackerRank survey, slightly ahead of professional growth and learning with 55%
- Compensation and Benefits – Salaries and wages (45%) only third factor when searching for job, with only 10% also interested in perks
- Team and Culture – Smart people (44%) and company culture (39%) can also attract developers to jobs
- Job Interest and Impact – Some developers also swayed by interesting problems to solve (43%) and impact of work on product (16%)
- Technology Stack – Only one in four (27%) developers look at programming languages, tools, and frameworks employers use when selecting job
- Key Growth Drivers – Include heightened demand for developers and coding skills among employers, continuous digitization of processes across industries, and increased competition for talent among technology and non-technology firms
Market Disruption |
Business Model and Practices Business Model |
Sector |
Information Technology
Source |
Date Last Updated |
October 22, 2018