Transportation and Mobility

Accelerator > Intelligent Devices

Enhancements in existing and development of new, smarter transportation systems improve mobility of people, goods and services


  • Advancements in vehicles, smarter road infrastructures and development of new modes of transportation, such as autonomous cars and hyperloops


  • Increased electric vehicle production and adoption, transitioning away from fossil fuel-based internal combustion engines in favor of cleaner, better performing alternatives
  • Expanded proliferation of new vehicle features such as self-parking and limited autonomous (autopilot) driving
  • Accelerated progress developing fully-autonomous, driverless cars as competition among carmakers and technology companies intensifies
  • Heightened government participation in developing smart transportation infrastructures and new transportation-related policies


  • Improving road and traffic conditions including increased safety, efficient energy use, reduced pollution and less congestion
  • Reducing demand for gasoline while creating utility challenges as electric vehicles plug into grids
  • Decreasing local and regional travel times
  • Improving efficiency of vehicle use, potentially impacting number of vehicles owned, parking lots required, and other vehicle-related infrastructure

How might the proliferation of intelligent transportation systems impact your business offerings, design of your city's infrastructure, and your travel patterns?