Global Companies’ Use Cases for Blockchain

Proof Point

Data validation, data access/sharing and identity protection identified by Deloitte as top enterprise blockchain use cases in 2019

Global Companies’ Use Cases for Blockchain

2019 (percentage)

Note: Data from Deloitte’s 2019 Global Blockchain Survey of 1,386 senior executives in U.S. companies with $500 million or more in annual revenue, and $100 million or more outside of U.S., including Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Luxembourg, Singapore, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom

Proof Point Findings

  • Blockchain – Distributed digital ledgers that record, authenticate and prevent duplication of transactions using algorithms and specific set of rules, without need for central authority
  • Data Uses – Four in ten companies surveyed by Deloitte use blockchain for data validation and data access/sharing in 2019, with 39% also using it for identity protection and 25% for record reconciliation
  • Financial Transactions – Blockchain also used for payment (37%), digital currency (36%), asset transfer (24%), revenue sharing (23%), as well as asset and equity tokenization (20-22%)
  • Asset Tracking – 32% of organizations track assets and 30% share access to intellectual property with blockchain
  • Key Growth Drivers – Include increasing sophistication and expansion of blockchain applications, continuous expansion of blockchain use-cases across industries, and growing business demand for implementation of emerging technologies that can improve existing processes


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Date Last Updated

November 4, 2019

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