Proof Point
Emerging BRICS countries, with exception of Brazil, slightly improved energy intensity between 2005 and 2015
Energy Intensity of BRICS Countries
2005 – 2015 (Kilo of oil equivalent (koe) per dollar of GDP (2005 PPP))

Note: | Energy intensity is the ratio of primary energy consumption over Gross Domestic Product measured in constant US$ at purchasing power parities. It measures the total amount of energy necessary to generate one unit of GDP. BRICS refers to Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, countries that are typically grouped together as they share similar stage and characteristics of economic development: large, fast-growing and influential in their respective regions. They share some characteristics of a developed market, but does not fully qualify yet as a developed market. |
Proof Point Findings
- BRICS Definition – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, countries that share similar stage and characteristics of economic development: large, fast-growing, and influential in their respective regions
- Energy Intensity Definition – Ratio of primary energy consumption over GDP; measures total energy needed to generate unit of GDP
- Most and Least Energy Efficient – Though Brazil's energy intensity increased slightly in 2015, it remains the most energy efficient among its peers; Russia is the least efficient energy user, followed by South Africa
- China Most Improved – China increased its energy efficiency by 5% annually during period, highest among BRICS
- BRICS Compared With Top Economies – Brazil and India, though emerging economies, are more energy efficient than the US, country with the highest GDP in 2015 and certainly more developed economy; Germany and Japan are more energy efficient than the US and BRICS nations
- Brazil's Energy Efficiency Drivers – Has energy efficiency programs since 1985; the National Program for Energy Conservation (Procel) enacted in 1985 to promote higher rationalization of electricity consumption, and Rational Use of Oil Products and Natural Gas Program (Conpet) created in 1991
- Russia's Ineffective Policies – Energy inefficiency may be caused by ineffective policies and inadequate monitoring and enforcement of its federal law on energy efficiency and federal program on energy saving, adopted in 2009 and 2010 respectively; additionally, said federal law and program did not cover industry and transport sectors, sectors that could provide the most energy efficiency and saving potential
- China's Commitment to Improving Energy Efficiency – The Chinese government has made reduction of energy intensity as one of top priorities; set mandatory target to cut energy intensity per unit of GDP by 20% in 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010), and 16% reduction in 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015); established strong regulatory policies and financial incentives to ensure targets were met
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Date Last Updated |
October 19, 2017