Proof Point
World Bank projects South and East Asia countries to continue to lead global GDP rates through 2019
Emerging Markets GDP Growth Rate
2014 – 2019F (percentage)

Note: | Aggregated growth rates were calculated using constant 2010 US$ GDP weights |
Proof Point Findings
- GDP Growth Rate – Annual percentage growth of countries' Gross Domestic Product based on constant 2010 US$
- Emerging Markets – Forecasted to grow more than 4% annually between 2017 to 2019, driving global GDP growth and outpacing advanced economies' projected annual growth rate of 1.7-1.8%
- Asia Pacific Leaders – South Asia, as well as East Asia and Pacific, anticipated to grow fastest between 2017 and 2019, expanding by more than 7% and 6% annually, respectively
- Growth Dependencies and Risks – Include rising policy uncertainties in advanced economies, financial market disruptions brought about by tightening global financing conditions, and disappointing actual growth performance globally
Accelerator |
Sector |
Cross-sector, Transportation and Logistics
Source |
Date Last Updated |
March 6, 2017