Proof Point
Percentage of global population living in extreme poverty decreased from 94% to 10% over last two centuries
Global Population Living in Extreme Poverty
1820 – 2015 (billion people and percentage)

Proof Point Findings
- Extreme Poverty – People living with income or consumption level below $1.90 per day in 2015 current dollars
- Declining Global Poverty Rate – People living in extreme poverty declined from 94% of world population in 1820 to 10% in 2015
- Decreasing Poverty Population– Though total people in poverty increased to 2.2 billion in 1970, percentage of poor population decreased to 60%, continuing decline to 0.71 billion or 10% of population in 2015
- Key Drivers – Include start of industrialization, rising productivity, household income migration and global economic growth
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Date Last Updated |
January 18, 2018