Proof Point
Total cryptocurrency market capitalization grew 760% from $12.4 billion in June 2016 to $106.6 billion in June 2017, with Bitcoin having largest share
Global Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization
2016 – 2017 (US$ billion)

Note: | Data may not add up to total due to rounding off |
Proof Point Findings
- Cryptocurrency – Digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to regulate generation and verify transfer, independent from any central bank
- Cryptocurrency Market Share – Grew from $12.4 billion in June 2016 to $106.6 billion in June 2017, with $42.6 billion (41%) coming from Bitcoin
- Rising Currencies – Though Bitcoin remains largest, its market share significantly decreased from 81% to 41% due to rising share of other currencies, such as Ethereum (34%) and Ripple (9%)
- Key Growth Drivers – Include proliferation of cryptocurrencies and related service providers, growing number of businesses accepting cryptocurrencies, increasing interest in traditional currency alternatives, and intensifying cryptocurrency mining activities
Accelerator |
Market Disruption |
Sector |
Financial Services
Source |
Date Last Updated |
September 4, 2017