
Accelerator > Intelligent Devices

Low-cost, highly-capable unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones enabling many industry and consumer applications


  • Unmanned aerial vehicles remotely controlled by software or human operator, often equipped with cameras, sensors and other functionalities


  • Increased penetration as competitors increase, prices decrease, functionality improves, and drones become easier to operate
  • Expanded innovation across wide variety of applications, including agriculture (crop monitoring), construction, energy, logistics (product delivery), real estate, science (wildlife monitoring, mapping) and video production, not to mention capturing selfies and action shots
  • Continued challenges by government regulatory bodies concerned about issues like safety and security


  • Improving decision-making and reducing risks with higher quality, up-to-date imaging and other data
  • Reducing labor-intensive activities such as remote maintenance, security checks and surveillance
  • Democratizing video and image capturing previously limited to well-funded businesses
  • Replacing land-based delivery of selected high-value, low-weight products
  • Increasing privacy and terrorism risks

How might you use drones to make better decisions, improve timely delivery of high-value products, or reduce labor-intensive activities?